




We are a group of volunteers from Nakamachidai, a small town in Yokohama. The corona crisis has brought us together but we share our love for the city and look positive into the future.

This spring (2020), we were forced to make a radical change in our lives. Although we are now slowly returning to our old lives, we are still feeling the need to remember what we felt during this period.

The consequences of what we have done so far is evident at every turn. Governments, companies, and schools have all responded in a variety of ways, but not enough. At such a time, we, the people who live here, are wondering if there is something we can do for the future.

In this way, we came to think that the future can be changed by connecting the people of Nakamachidai and the people of Tsuzuki district, as well as with the people in the world.

Our first step may be small. However, we are releasing this website with the belief that this first step can create a warm society 100 years from now.